This Page Set is free for you to use as linkware. Set is Majallian
let me know if you are
using this set and please remember to link back to
on every page that uses this set with the matching logo provided
at the bottom of this page.

Notice: This set is provided *as is* If you don't
find the button that you need, you may use the blank buttons provided,
along with the blank title and add your own text or you may rent
me to do them for you, I am very reasonable. The first two buttons
are free, the rest are for a small fee of $2.00 US$ each. Customization
of the title graphic is $8.00 US$
html template, all the buttons, a blank button and blank title graphic
for this set is provided in the zip file,
but if you need help just email
me, I'd be happy to help.
Please read my
terms of use before downloading.
You may download the zip file here.
available buttons are included in the Zip
Regular buttons below consist of: about, awards, back, e-mail. forum,
gallery, home, journal, blog, links, news, next, poetry, rings,
family, photos, sign, view, guest book.
Font used: Percosia
Text colors used on this set:
Main text - #660099
Links - #CCCCFF
Visited Links - #CC99CC
Active Link - #660099
These images are jpgs, and will only work on the background used.

All graphics, content and web design copyright
© 1999-2010
All rights reserved
Nothing may be reproduced in whole or in part
without author's written permission.